2022 Race Summary
My goals for 2022 were to have a strong finish at the National Senior Games (NSG) and focus on USA Triathlon sanctioned events.
During the Aug 6 Graniteman Triathlon, I suffered a season ending injury. I fell during the bike, severed my Achilles, and contracted a flesh-eating bacterium resulting in a 11-day hospital stay and 4 surgeries. However, I did manage to finish the race. I was required to wear a protective boot and directed not swim, bike, or run for 5 months!
Despite season ending injury I did receive the following 2022 rankings from USA Triathlon: State (MN): 6, Region (Midwest): 53 and National (US): 962.
Tri 4 the Cure Sprint Triathlon, Anthem, AZ (USA Triathlon Sanctioned): Mar 12, 2022 (.25-mile swim, 12.4-mile bike and 3.1-mile run) – Placed 6th in 55-59 AG. Pool swim. Windy and hilly bike and run. This race was my dress rehearsal for the NSG Triathlon.
MN Masters SCY State Swim Meet, Eden Prairie, MN: Mar 19-20, 2022 (50 Free, 50 and 100 Breaststroke) – Placed 4th, 3rd, and 6th in 55-59 AG.
National Senior Games Swim Meet, Plantation, FL: May 13-16, 2022 (200 Freestyle and 200 Yard Medley Relay) – Placed 6th and 8th in 55-59 AG. Swam for Team Wyoming in the relay. I was also scheduled to swim the 50 breast stroke but did not compete due to weather delays and scheduling conflicts.
National Senior Games Sprint Triathlon (Mack Cycle 305 Triathlon), Key Biscayne, FL (USA Triathlon Sanctioned): May 15, 2022 (.25-mile swim, 12.4-mile bike and 3.1-mile run) – Placed 6th in 55-59 AG. 2nd in the swim, 5th in the bike, and 6th in the run.
Clear Lake Sprint Triathlon, Clear Lake, IA (USA Triathlon Sanctioned): May 28, 2022 (.33-mile swim, 12.4-mile bike and 3.1-mile run) – Placed 6th in 55-59 AG. Very cold water!
Manitou Sprint Triathlon, White Bear, MN: June 26, 2022 (.5-mile swim, 3.8-mile bike and 3.1-mile swim) – Placed 3rd in 55-59 AG. Podiumed!
Graniteman Sprint Triathlon, Big Lake, MN: Aug 6, 2022 (.33-mile swim, 14.45 bike and 3.1-mile run) – Placed 8th in 55-59 AG.
Tri 4 the Cure Sprint Triathlon, Anthem, AZ

MN Masters SCY State Swim Meet, Eden Prairie, MN

National Senior Games Swim Meet, Plantation, FL

National Senior Games Sprint Triathlon (Mack Cycle 305 Triathlon), Key Biscayne, FL

Clear Lake Sprint Triathlon, Clear Lake, IA